JuneShine Custom Can Art: Mango Daydream
Mango Daydream
A twice-brewed hard kombucha made with juicy mangoes, pineapples, oranges, and a pinch of cayenne pepper. And with big new flavors, we continue to punch up the artwork. When we started, it was all about those mellow, SoCal/North Shore vibes but the ultimate goal of each and every can I illustrate for JuneShine is to match the flavor inside. So where big flavors come through, I want to reflect that on the outside of the can as well. This can features all the ingredients inside with a pineapple ring playing a pseudo sun and a pineapple top joining in with palm tree foliage to shade a hammocker nearby. Sprinkle in some chili to mirror the deep red delight of a ripe mango and you've got yourself a Mango Daydream.
This flavor is available exclusively in the all new JuneShine Variety Pack that has hit the shelves of Whole Foods & Trader Joes in Southern California with more cities and stores to come. You can use their Find Us feature to track down the goods in your hood.
And if you want to learn more about how JuneShine got started, how we work together, and what it takes to push the industry forward, I had the pleasure of welcoming JuneShine co-founder Forrest Dein on the Secondary Colors Podcast a few months back. So pop open your favorite flavor, put in some earbuds and press play here.