JuneShine Summer Can Art
Nothing says summer like an ice-cold beverage so let's talk can art! If you recall, I've previously had the opportunity to work with the awesome folks at JuneShine on artwork for several of their hard kombucha flavors. Since creating the artwork for Blood Orange Mint and Honey Ginger Lemon, these kombucha brew masters have been busy coming up with new (and incredibly tasty) flavors.
Hopical Citrus
First up is Hopical Citrus, which happens to be my personal favorite. A collaboration between JuneShine and Thorn Brewing Co., it takes the best of beer and combines it with the best of booch for a light and refreshing citrus and hops flavor. The perfect start for any of you beer lovers out there looking to dip your toe into the world of hard kombucha. It drinks like a sunny afternoon, which is exactly what I tried to portray in the packaging. This was a fun combination of an existing beach scene I'd created for my retro Wailea, Maui print and new imagery to bring the citrus and hops combination to life.
Strawberry Fields
The second, fit-for-summer flavor I created artwork for was their newest flavor, Strawberry Fields. Was it the real reason John, Paul, George, and Ringo crossed Abbey Road? Is it really just an adult Capri-Sun? You'll have to try it to find out! What I can tell you is it's a delicious summer refresher made with fresh-from-the-farm organic strawberries from Cyclops Farms. The green label gives a lush, fresh-picked canvas for the red strawberries to pop from. It's in keeping with the other flavor's designs as well - a signature California cool pastel, mouth-watering illustrations of the flavors inside, and an air of freshness.
Images courtesy of Love Joy Studios
If you're looking to give hard kombucha a try, check out the JuneShine website to locate a retailer near you. You won't regret it!