We dive headfirst into the intriguing life of renaissance man Brian Bent. From kookboxes to homemade hot rods, family-band punk rock and his myriad of creative ventures. The gang goes deep on advice for positive thinking during the darkest of...
Nick, Tracey & Dale are back with the one 'n only Captain Jack Soren to discuss his catapult to success in the art world and all the ups and downs in business that can go with that (all while trying...
Nick, Tracey & producer Dale are joined by photographer John Hook in a discussion about the creative process of being a professional art creator. Is your work for your audience or do you make it for yourself? Is there a...
Creative artist and owner of Surfer Towel, Christie Shinn drops in for a chat about the importance of well considered decisions regarding product design feedback and the right (and wrong) times to say "Yes!" to projects. Nick offers unsolicited advice on...
JuneShine Hard Kombucha Co-Founder & Chief Marketing Officer Forrest Dein joins Nick & Dale (thanks to a quarantined Tracey) to share some ways JuneShine found success and national growth since the brand's 2018 start. Focus on company culture, engaging Ambassadors,...